Saturday, September 1, 2012

Distraction #3 - New Movie Trailers

When people ask me what I like to do in my spare time I usually give the boring answer of "watching movies."  But what I might like even more is watching movie trailers.

The cool thing about trailers is that they can capture your interest in about a minute or less.  Take the best parts of a movie, add a song that will pull emotional strings, and show the release date and BOOM - you have a successful trailer!  

Take a look at a few of these and consider yourself distracted!

The story of how the Wizard came to Oz.
(Because the only new movies out there these days are prequels or remakes!)

Another story of a woman caught between duty and love, but this one has historical literary value - 
One of Leo Tolstoy's famous novels (the other is War & Peace) written in 1877.

The story we all will experience one day (or have already) - 10 year reunion.
Maybe this movie will prepare us for that awkward occasion!

If you ever want to get excited, just watch a "Coming Soon" movie trailer.  Forget the coffee in the morning, give me a good movie trailer!

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